The Many Different Uses of Potassium Alum

Potassium alum is a natural mineral salt. Alum is often chemically synthesized by companies that want to use a cheaper ingredient in their products. It is important to be aware of this so that you can be sure that the products you are using contain natural potassium alum.

Natural Potassium Alum has been used for hundreds of years as an effective natural deodorant and is the main ingredient in many natural deodorants. Alum is commonly used in deodorants thanks to its antibacterial and astringent properties. But did you know that it also has many other uses? The list below presents some of the alternative uses for this wonderful little crystal.

Haircuts: Barbers in the early and mid-20th century used alum to cut hair, particularly in styles that required a lot of precision. The alum would make the hair stand on end so that stray hairs could be easily spotted. Alum was also used by Barber’s for general “styling” of hair.

After shave: Alum has astringent and astringent properties, which makes it ideal for use as an aftershave lotion. It closes the pores and reduces bleeding caused by minor razor cuts. Alum also dries, so it can help reduce shine and oil on the face. However, if you have naturally dry skin, it is recommended that you do not use it for this purpose.

hemorrhoids treatment: Alum has long been used as a natural and effective home treatment for external hemorrhoids. Dissolving some alum powder in water and applying it to the affected areas with a cotton pad helps reduce swelling.

Chinese medicine: Alum has been used for many hundreds of years in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In TCM it is known as Ming Fan and has been used to treat a variety of foods. For example, it is used to stop bleeding, relieve itching, relieve toxicity, and remove phlegm.

Skin whitening: Alum was used in the 16th century for skin whitening, as was the fashion. Here is an example of a recipe:

“For freckles that are made by the heat of the sun: take a little Alom, beaten into small pieces, temper a well-cooked egg white with it, put it on a gentle heat, always stirring so that it does not harden, and when it throws the dross, then it is enough, with which it anoints the Freckles for the space of three days: if you defend yourself so that Freckles do not appear on your face, then anoint your face with the white of the eggs”. Christopher Wirzung, General Practice of Physics, 1654.

baking powder: Alum is an ingredient used in baking powder. Baking powder is used as a leavening agent in foods, but it has many other uses as well. It is often used to make a homemade deodorant and has been used for cleaning and other applications.

pickling: Alum is used for pickling and as a food additive. It is found in many pickle recipes as it helps preserve the crisp nature of vegetables and fruits.

Use in water treatment: The use of alum to purify water is very common and has been used for many years. Alum crystals are inserted into the water, the crystals cause the small particles present in the water to stick together and form larger, heavier particles that settle to the bottom of the tank. These particles can be safely removed. This process is called flocculation.