Thyroid deficiency: do you have it?

The hormones in your body must always remain in a balanced condition. If the balance is hampered, you may be faced with many health problems such as headaches, fatigue, depression, weight gain, and insomnia. After diabetes and insulin resistance, thyroid disease is one of the most common hormone-related disorders.

Most of the people who suffer from thyroid imbalance have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and the rest of the patients suffer from hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). The main problem related to this medical condition is that people mistakenly equate low thyroid symptoms with signs of aging and depression.

The thyroid is a small gland located in the front of the neck. It is shaped like a butterfly and controls the functions of all organs, cells, and glands in the body. Your thyroid gland regulates:

– water and electrolyte balance in cells and body
– the rate of repair of diseased or damaged tissues
– the use of oxygen in each tissue
– the strength and energy of each muscle
– the circulatory system
– the level of sugar in the blood by controlling the release of glucose from the liver into the bloodstream

Symptoms of thyroid imbalance

Hypothyroidism affects each and every cell and tissue in the body. The following symptoms are produced by deficient levels of the active thyroid hormone T3:

– Depression
– Difficulty breathing
– Constipation
– Tired
– Weight gain
– Low body temperature
– Difficult to focus
– Cold intolerance
– Bad memory
– Irritability
– Decreased libido
– Muscle or joint pain and stiffness
– Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides
– Hair loss
– Headaches
– Dry skin / dry and coarse hair

Doctors often dismiss most symptoms of hypothyroidism as signs of aging, overwork, a psychological problem, or some other condition. This is the main reason why in many cases thyroid tests are not even performed and the patient is deprived of receiving the proper and required medical attention or treatment.

What disturbs thyroid function?

– Metabolic Syndrome/Insulin Resistance
– Adrenal exhaustion/chronic stress – There is a strong connection between the adrenal glands and the thyroid. If one of these weakens, it automatically begins to weaken the other.
– Frequent x-rays – People who undergo more x-rays for different medical check-ups such as dental, also patients who have radiation treatment of the neck, head or chest.
– Strong prescription drugs such as Premarin, Beta Blockers, Lithium, Birth Control Pills, Dilantin and some antidepressants.
– Genetically modified and synthetic hormones such as estrogen and other similar hormones in dairy products, eggs, poultry and meat. Conditions such as IVF treatment and menopause, fibroids, and polycystic ovary disorder.
– Excessive consumption of thyroid-inhibiting foods such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
– Exercise – By increasing oxygen to the cells, the thyroid is stimulated by regular or intense exercise. During exercise, more oxygen is pumped into the body. This act speeds up metabolism and increases body heat.
– Exposure to heavy metals: metals such as mercury play an important role in altering the balance of the thyroid.
– Diet – The deficiency of essential nutrients or low calories do not provide the necessary fuel for the thyroid to function properly.