Top Rated Dog Food? – Commercial Pet Food – The Shocking Truth About The Bad Ingredients They Use

Top rated dog food? Learn about the dangers of commercial pet food and why you should make your own dog food.

I am sure that all dog owners only want the best for their pets. We all love and appreciate our dogs and would never dream of harming them. The truth is, we are all feeding them poison in the form of commercial pet food. Slowly but surely we are killing the very pets we love and protect.

Ever wonder why some dogs’ lifespans are so short or why some get so sick?

You wouldn’t believe what’s in the commercial dog food products we buy. Many of us trust dog food suppliers and generally shop on price. We have no idea what the actual ingredients are inside the packets or containers.

The truth is absolutely disturbing. The so-called nutritionally balanced meals we buy are loaded with all sorts of harmful chemicals, preservatives, and dangerous ingredients.

Did you know that some dog foods are made from roadkill and various euthanized strays?

In Los Angeles, almost 25% of processed dog food comes from the aforementioned roadkill and euthanasia, can you believe it!

It makes me sick to think that we feed our animals diseased parts of dead animals.

They use sodium pentobarbital, which is used to slaughter the animals. This chemical is still present in the carcasses when they make the dog food and remains in the food. The dosage is but it is still present in the food. Dog manufacturers also use ethoxyguin (EQ) in their dog food to preserve the food. Commercial dog food is full of chemicals and preservatives that would never make it to human consumption. Does this still sound nutritional?

This makes sense when you think of all the common problems dogs have, which are similar to the symptoms humans have when poisoned.

Common dog problems include the following.

  • Kidney and bladder cancer
  • stomach cancer
  • Major organ failure
  • birth defects
  • Blindness
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Hair loss

If you want your dogs and puppies to live longer, happier and healthier, then you should start making your own dog food. By following special prescriptions and health plans, your pets can live almost twice as long if you’re prepared to.

They are really easy to make and there are simple methods to make homemade dog food quickly. The easiest way is to make bulk dog food and freeze it. I do this and it saves me money and gives me peace of mind knowing I’m not poisoning my dogs. They get all the protein, vitamins, minerals, and all the nutrition they need, without the dangerous chemicals and preservatives.