Victory Over Darkness, The Bondage Breaker, Spiritual Warfare – Book Reports

Anderson, Neill. 2000. Victory Over Darkness: Realizing the Power of Identity in Christ

A quick glance at the above title initially gives the impression that it is a release book with the conventional approach of laying hands on the individual, accompanied by binding and release. The researcher is particularly challenged to realize Anderson’s most helpful biblical approach, where he embraced the discipleship counseling process and was able to learn how the truth of God’s Word can set us free, thus conforming us to the image of God as he works for us. faith. in the power of the Holy Spirit. With a transformed life, one can live by faith and grow spiritually.

A significant impact this text has on the investigator is the realization of who he is in Christ. Before reading it, he did not feel accepted, secure, and significant in his relationship with God. He thought that it would really take a lifetime to be a saint.

The thirty-three “I am”s on pages 38 and 39 (a regularly read list) have revolutionized my thinking. It is exciting to note that although he is not the “I am that I am,” but by God’s special grace, he joins the apostle Paul in boldly proclaiming that “I am that I am.” He was ignorant of his position and authority in Christ and equally ignorant of Satan’s ability to deceive. Now that he has realized that he is shaped not so much by his environment as by his perception of it, the events of life will no longer determine his position. He is the only one who can avoid becoming the person God really wants him to be. If anything, Anderson helped him in unspeakable ways to realize the power of his identity in Christ.

Anderson, Neill. 2000. The Bond Breaker

It is obvious that the text above complements Victory Over Darkness. In Bondage Breaker, Anderson reinforced the investigator’s conviction of who he is in Christ. Regardless, he is not just a product of the past, but a new creation in Christ. He can now confidently read parts of Desiderata, which says that “I am a child of the universe (better yet of God), no less than the trees and stars, I have a right to be here.” God has a purpose for him on earth and he will achieve it since he is created with Christ in heavenly places.

After walking the Steps of Freedom with a brother on July 2, 2003, the researcher dedicated that night to completing the text under discussion by briefly repeating the sentences of the third part. God gave him two separate dreams that night.

The first showed two groups of people he needed to forgive. He went through the steps of forgiveness and freed himself from the bondage of his bitterness. In the second dream, he saw himself being asked by his oldest relative to sweep the family home, which he did, including the family compound. He is strongly convinced that it was a symbolic act. His family is now free from the ancient sins that opened the door for Satan to hold family members in bondage. Forgiving everyone he could remember and confessing ancient sins has closed the door on Satan and now he is free. The feeling he has is that of a newly converted Christian. In fact, Charles Wesley put it beautifully: “My chains fell off, my heart was set free, I got up and went out and followed you.” For the first time in his life, he can honestly say, “I am free.”

Warner, Timothy M. 1991. Spiritual Warfare: Victory Over the Powers of This Dark World

After reading this timely post, the investigator is now in a better position, with the necessary information and ammunition, to engage in spiritual warfare. It is clearly evident that he can defeat the enemy not by his own strength, but by the character of God, the certainty of his promises, and, ultimately, the important victory that Christ has already won.

Challenging revelations are the two equal and opposite extremes that people fall into on the subject of demons. Not believing in them or taking an excessive and unhealthy interest are two deceptive errors that please Satan. Indeed, it is eye-opening to know that the entire Christian life is an exciting process of trying to maintain balance.

This is why Dr. Warner will not see a demon behind every bush and minimize spiritual conflict. The more we know about our defeated enemy, the more confident we will eventually be in the inevitable conflict. It is the investigator’s prayer that the Church bring the reality of victory in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit from the theoretical to the practical realm. Eventually more prisoners will be released as the Christians begin to fight the real enemy using the proper weapons.

Another important truth learned is the fact that although a Christian cannot be demon possessed, he can be influenced. Satan can use an open door to hold one captive and he will continue to do so if that door is not closed. It is the researcher’s prayer that the Church also organize herself in prayer, her last weapon.