What are the best exercises to get great abs fast?

Do you want to learn the most effective exercises to help you get great abs? The first thing to keep in mind is that targeted ab training alone will not help you get the ripped abs you want, as you will also need to lose total body fat to get six pack abs. It also takes a combination of the right diet and exercise program to get great abs.

What are the most effective abdominal exercises?

1. Barbell Layout

Begin by kneeling on the floor and place a barbell in front of you. Grab the bar with both hands using an overhead grip, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart. Remember to keep your back flat at all times during this exercise. Slowly move the bar forward as far as you can reach, and you should feel your abs contract. Roll the bar back to the starting position to complete one repetition of this exercise. Each series of this exercise should consist of 10 repetitions.

2. Abdominal scissors

Start by lying on the floor on your back. Keep your feet straight and your hands straight above your head. Raise your legs and hands together up and move them as much as possible. Your legs and arms should cross each other with each repetition like the action of a pair of scissors.

3. Hanging Leg Raise

This is perhaps the most challenging but most useful abdominal exercise that beginners may find difficult to perform. Begin by holding onto a horizontal bar overhead, keeping your feet off the ground. Bend your legs toward your head and try not to round your back. Once your legs are over your head, slowly return your legs to their starting position. If you find this exercise too difficult, an alternative is to simply pull your knees in toward your chest, which should be easier to perform.


The above exercises are very effective for strengthening your abs, but keep in mind that getting great abs also requires a good diet and fat loss program. Visit the website below to learn a complete abs training program.