What is the proper etiquette when receiving flowers?

These days everything moves so fast. Between emails, cell phones, texting on Twitter, and 80-hour workweeks, what are good manners and who has time for this? After all is said and done, certain things are still the hallmark of social etiquette. Sending flowers may seem a bit old-fashioned and quaint in this modern society, but it’s still done often enough to deserve to be handled with good manners.

When you receive flowers, it is appropriate to send a thank you card or email or make a formal phone call. This lets the sender know that the gift was received in good condition and that they appreciate it. If the sender went to the trouble and expense to select a beautiful bouquet or arrangement to mark your occasion, it is certainly appropriate to acknowledge receipt of the gift. It only takes a couple of minutes and means a lot to most people.

Sometimes on a romantic level, people may receive flowers from an unwitting admirer. It is still appropriate to acknowledge receipt of the flowers. In the event that the sender’s emotion does not correspond, do not just throw the flowers. You can donate them on your behalf to a nursing home or personal care home. They would certainly appreciate receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

There was a time in times past when we were taught good manners when we were children. They were second nature. With the hustle and bustle of today’s society, it’s important to remember that sometimes the simplest of gestures mean a lot. Since manners are the glue that holds a society together, it is very important to observe them. And it really doesn’t take long to observe proper etiquette.