What the chariot card means during a tarot card reading

The chariot card is the eighth card of the 22 trump cards (Major Arcana) and is associated with the number 7. It is a symbol of the possible obstacles that lie ahead to overcome and that can undergo dramatic growth changes that you will learn to win the emotional self. -control.

As shown in the Rider-Waite deck image, The Charioteer is young and wears a crown of pointed stars, which is a symbol of perfection. The yellow sky represents optimism, while the black armor is an indication of strength. The Egyptian headdress that resembles a cobra means that it will attack any obstacle that gets in its way. There are two contrasting stationary sphinxes looking in a different direction. The white sphinx represents the conscious level and the black sphinx represents the unconscious (unknown).

The charioteer leaves his kingdom safe, as shown by the stone walls and buildings with red roofs, and has crossed the river. This symbolizes a new mission and you are prepared for every step of the way. The crown on his head represents achievement, victory, success, and acquired wisdom.

Despite his calm exterior, his emotions are actually volatile. You may have to work hard to control your emotions. You must control the internal conflict and refrain from any outburst of anger or emotional manifestation. Develop the positive side of yourself and stay motivated and don’t let the past get to you.

You may have numerous goals in mind and in a tarot reading, the Chariot Card is a fighting card, but ultimately a good sign that you will advance very soon as it is an indicator of so much personal progression. as of the possible trips. It can also be an indication that you will experience a new beginning or ending.

The chariot brings success and victory and is an indication that you are on the road to success. Remember to keep your eyes and mind open to opportunities, be firm, confident, stay calm, take control of your kidneys, and act with determination and concentration.

In the reading of a love relationship, this letter can mean that a reconciliation between couples is taking place. They may also be planning a vacation together. In another scenario, it could also mean that you or your partner may not be ready for a committed relationship. Gather the courage to repair the relationship or end the relationship if it is not working for you. Find your own happiness.