Why do you feel severe chest pain during Reiki healing, mantra chanting and Kundalini yoga?

Reiki healing, mantra chanting, and kundalini-yoga are some of the spiritual techniques used on the path to self-realization.

These are the form of therapy that helps to release the diseases of the mind and body by releasing the bruised emotional and thought patterns stored in the subtle body.

These spiritual techniques are like washing dirty clothes, like a broom or a vacuum cleaner, these techniques clean all the blockages and imbalances present in the energy field of the disciple.

The cosmic power generated in these spiritual practices acts on the various chakras that are not yet open, and then uncontrolled mental and physical activities will manifest that will cleanse and purify the physical, subtle and casual bodies.

The physical body has diseases and potential for diseases that require healing, while the subtle and casual bodies have the imprints of some negative karmas from past lives, those also need purification.

If there is a flood in a river, what will happen if there is a blockage? Water pressure will build up there until the clog is removed.

Sometimes the chakras are clogged, dull, and out of balance. If cosmic energy has to work on a chakra to remove an obstruction or blockage, a temporary prana pressure or bioenergy is built up there which creates unpleasant pain and tension in the corresponding part of the physical body.

Why do you feel severe pain in the chest during the practice of spiritual techniques?

heart chakra:

Thoughts and emotional materials are stored in the heart chakra. The physical activation point of this chakra is in the spine, directly behind the center of the chest, in line with the heart.

Physical illness begins as a suppression of feelings and emotions. Pain, anger, fear, grief, apathy, unconsciousness, and guilt are some of the negative thought and emotional patterns that block the heart chakra and manifest as stress, pain, and entangled energy in the trap region.

The universal life force energy used in spiritual techniques is very high vibrational frequency universal divine love energy, which heals ego/mind wounds and painful memories.

Universal life force energy brings these repressed and bruised feelings to the ground of our consciousness to be fully felt and ultimately released from our aura.

The process of releasing bruised thoughts and emotional patterns produces severe chest pain that is sometimes misinterpreted as a symptom of heart problems.

Solar plexus:

Past life experiences, memories and traumas are stored in the solar plexus. The solar plexus is located around the upper abdomen, just below the rib cage.

Spiritual techniques such as reiki, mantra chanting, and kundalini yoga heal past life blockages present in the solar plexus.

Traumas experienced by the person in previous lives are laid out in the solar plexus one on top of the other in chronological order. When one trauma is clear, the next one is left uncovered to be clarified.

Many times the disciple re-experiences a past life going back in time clearing trauma after trauma, the blocked area of ​​the solar plexus becoming clearer and clearer.

In the process of cleansing, the disciple may feel a sharp pain in the chest; suffocation and tension in the muscles of the chest region as stagnant energies are being drawn out of the solar plexus.

Any natural spiritual technique that purifies and removes blockages from the body will eventually lead to clearing of past life traumas.

Reiki healing, mantra chanting and kundalini-yoga is the therapeutic tool to release stuck patterns unless a person’s energy field is cleared, recharged and rebalanced.