Why is it worth buying a water filter?

Eliminates the smell of tap water

When the kitchen faucet is turned on for the purpose of rehydration, the water that comes out seems to have a foul odor. This may be due to the wide range of chemicals used to treat tap water, or its exposure to heavy metals, allowing it to have an undesirable odor and taste that make it difficult to tolerate.

The strength of this odor can vary depending on the quality of the water within the area; however, one of the best benefits of filtered water is that it can remove this odor while still providing clear, safe drinking water.

removes chlorine

Chlorine is the most widely used chemical in the treatment of water supplies. It is essential for removing harmful bacteria and diseases from water; however, its remains can cause the unpleasant odor of tap water as mentioned above.

According to the US Council on Environmental Quality, the risk of getting cancer was 93% higher among people who were exposed to chlorinated water.

In addition, the World Health Organization or WHO found an increased risk of bladder cancer among people who drink chlorinated water compared to those who did not drink chlorinated water for more than half of their lives.

Save money on bottled water

In the last decade, bottled water has become a popular drink. This is especially true when it comes to the fitness industry, as there are a greater number of people drinking a lot of bottled water these days. From a public health standpoint, this is positive as more and more people are choosing to drink water instead of soft drinks, however this is an unnecessary expense.

Bottled water is about thirty times more expensive than filtered water. It doesn’t matter if you buy by the bottle or by the case, this is considered overspending compared to the price of the water filter per liter. The financial benefit of filtered water is the cost savings it provides. Plus, it offers the same invigorating taste that bottled water does straight from the tap.

Reduces plastic footprint

Perhaps the biggest problem with the rise of the bottled water industry is its negative effect on the environment. Around 1,000,000 plastic bottles are sold every minute around the world, and in 2016, only less than half of the 480 billion plastic bottles sold were recycled correctly. Around 17 barrels of oil are required each year to produce the amount of plastic bottles currently consumed internationally and the amount of plastic produced each year weighs the same as humanity.

As commentators suggest, the plastic crisis is fast becoming a major threat to the future of the planet, as is global warming. A water filter encourages people to forget about the need for a single-use PET plastic bottle. There couldn’t be a better benefit of filtered water than saving the planet.