Your teeth and you

Traditional dentistry says brush and floss at LEAST twice a day, but Dr. Stout says that if we all took perfect care of our teeth, we would brush 5 times a day, 2-3 minutes at a time. “You should brush your teeth in the morning and at night and after every meal. If you cannot brush as often, a good compromise would be to do it 3 times; once in the morning, once after dinner, and once before go to bed”.


The old saying, “You don’t have to floss all your teeth, only the ones you want to keep” is no joke.

But does brushing or flossing make your gums bleed?

When your gums are covered and irritated by an unremoved layer of accumulated decaying food, the blood vessels under the gums are exposed during flossing and some bleeding occurs. When it’s not removed, that bog coating on your gums irritates and irritates them. When the bog coat has been there for a long time, a lot of bleeding can occur, but it will get better the longer you continue to floss.

You have to clean up the decaying swamp to allow the clean tissue to heal. When you floss regularly and remove irritating matter, healthy layers of gum tissue and blood vessels will heal, and you will find that your gums no longer bleed no matter how often you floss. Floss once a day, gently when your gums hurt and more rigorously as they heal.

This pain is the first stage of gum disease called gingivitis. Gingivitis, if left unchecked, can develop into very painful periodontitis, a serious gum disease that can destroy gum tissue, cause bone degeneration, and the loss of otherwise healthy teeth.


There are few techniques for flossing.

Loop method: it is suitable for children or adults with less agile hands. Take an 18-inch piece of floss and roll it into a circle. Tie it securely with three knots. Place all fingers, except thumb, inside the loop. Use your index fingers to guide the floss through the lower teeth and use your thumbs to guide the floss in the same way as above.

Cut a piece of floss about 18 inches, or about the length of your hand to your shoulder. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers. Gently insert the floss between two teeth, in a back and forth motion. Gently floss to the gum line (where the gum and teeth meet) and make a C shape around the tooth until you feel pressure against the tooth. Do not “break” the floss, as it can cut the gums. Gently scrape the surface of the tooth with dental floss. Do the same with the tooth on the other side. Use a new section of floss as you move between each set of teeth. Don’t forget the back of your last tooth.


“Choosing a type of toothbrush or toothpaste is not as important as choosing a GENTLE toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. When it comes to how well toothbrushes and toothpaste clean, the key is good technique, “says Dr. Stout. The American Hygienists Association also recommends using a small brush head that fits your mouth better. Toothbrushes should be changed every 3-4 months, as soon as they become frayed or after you’ve been sick.


Time the next time you brush. Most people think they already brush for 2-3 minutes straight, but actually most brush for 30 seconds or less. You can pass the 2-3 minute time test by timing yourself, counting to 60 three times, or listening to music (an average song lasting 2-3 minutes). Try brushing your teeth in the shower to music. Not only will you brush longer, but foaming at the mouth and dripping would be perfectly acceptable!


Avoid brushing too hard. You are not trying to remove tartar, just remove soft plaque. Place your soft toothbrush against your gum line at a 45 degree angle. Brush gently (with minimal pressure) in small circular motions to brush the inside and outside of each tooth. Brush the inner surfaces or the back of the teeth with the front of your toothbrush, holding the toothbrush nearly vertical. Make sure to brush the back of your last tooth.


Floss and then brush for 2-3 minutes. When you’re done brushing, rinse your mouth well and spit. Take a wet finger and rub it vigorously back and forth on your teeth, inside and out. Your clean teeth will make a grinding sound. When you can hear that squeaky sound on both the inside and outside of your teeth, you have passed the squeak test!


Finally, in a sweeping motion toward the front of your mouth, gently brush your tongue to remove bacteria and food debris from its crevices and crevices. Not brushing the tongue is a common brushing mistake that can cause bad breath even in people who brush regularly.


Even with routine brushing and flossing, you still need to go to the dentist twice a year. This is your chance for the hygienist to remove any small amount of tartar or tartar that is missing along the gum line, etc., and also for the dentist to make sure that your teeth are growing and aligned properly. However, if you remove the bog coating, heal your gums with regular dental floss, and make your teeth very clean two to three times a day, you will have healthy teeth and gums that will last a lifetime.