5Linx: a big company or just another "My precious" Competitor?

Founded by Jeb Tyler and Jason Guck (formerly with ACN), 5Linx has been identified as one of the fastest growing companies in North America by INC. 500. Let’s take an unbiased look at this newcomer to the world of telecommunications from Rochester, NY.

The good:

5Linx isn’t just another “Ma Bell” knockoff. They also provide services such as cell phones and plans from all major US carriers, satellite television from DIRECTTV and DISH Network, as well as VoIP phone service and GLOBALINX® Videophone.

Craig Jerabeck has been the President and CEO of 5Linx® Enterprises Inc. since 2001. Along with his executive team, they have over 40 years of experience in the telecommunications industry.

5Linx has had some very popular headlines in the national press, especially among servicemen and women. Your See the foundation of your troops donated $100,000 worth of products and services to connect our troops, via GLOBALINX® VoIP and videophone service, with loved ones back home.

5Linx is definitely providing a necessary service, and they seem to understand the need for a strong and dynamic corporate image in the public eye.

The bad:

The telecommunications industry is a very competitive business. Many people have services (especially cell phone services) that are covered by a contract, with stiff penalties for early termination. During any prime-time television show, you’ll likely see advertisements for telecommunications services from your local cable company, Verizon, Sprint, or AT&T.

5Linx’s Voice Over Inter Protocol service definitely uses cutting edge 22nd century technology, but its marketing plan is still behind the times. They’re still on that path of selling out to their friends and family.”

When working with 5Linx, you should treat this opportunity with the utmost respect, as you will be coming face to face with some of the “big shots” of the telecom world. Serious marketers will seek out and embrace technology, investing time and money in a professional marketing training course to help them with their marketing skills. They understand the need to position themselves as knowledgeable leaders in this field and are prepared to amass a massive list of names and dates for follow-ups as those contracts expire.

In conclusion:

The telecommunications industry is a global business and a service that almost everyone will use. New horizons open up every day, and partnering with a company as forward-thinking as 5Linx puts you in a very strong position.

If you’re willing to spend the time developing a very powerful skill set, 5Linx could be a very attractive opportunity.