83 Secret Strategies That Will Guarantee You A Promotion In Any Organization

1. Make sure your boss likes you

2. Make sure management always notices you

3. Make sure to keep emotions out of the equation

4. Make sure you always focus on making money for the company

5. Have a lot of interest and passion to learn more about the company, its products and services.

6. Make sure you know more about the company than anyone else

7. Always offer solutions

8. Let your boss know explicitly that you are driven by money, more responsibility, and more power.

9. Show that you can lead people

10. Show that your boss can trust you

11. 100% of the time you spend at work: Spend 80% working and 20% honing your skills and developing new skills

12. Get an industry mentor and befriend him

13. Spend your free time and days off connecting and networking with industry professionals in relaxed settings

14. Study of the competition

15. Do not reveal everything about yourself to the company

16. Actively look for jobs elsewhere

17. Leave your signature on everything you do

18. Develop a stronger sense for new technologies and work methods.

19. Work more on yourself than on your job

20. Wake up before your competition

21. Remember your best friend at work – he is your worst enemy

22. Dress smarter, smarter and better than others, as if you were the owner of the company.

23. Have toys and accessories that match your personality but make you larger than life in the workplace.

24. Always keep the owner of the company informed

25. Always make sure key customers remember your name, love doing business with you, and speak highly of you to their boss.

26. Remember to market yourself and advertise not only in your company but also in the industry.

27. Keep building your network

28. Always act professionally

29. Have a greater sense of awareness

30. Read and research aggressively

31. Practice the art of reciprocity

32. Remember: everyone wants to stay in touch ONLY to get some benefit

33. Don’t get caught up in political issues

34. Avoid gossip

35. Remember: anything you can say can and will be used against you

36. Learn to be yourself and be the best at it

37. Learn to speak and be noticed in every meeting

38. Offer new ideas, tips and strategies to make money

39. Always surprise your boss and company with new results and performance

40. Let your work speak for you

41. Always document your success so you can use it later when asked the important question “What did you contribute?”

42. Remember: anything you do right is forgotten, but anything you do wrong is remembered forever.

43. Be clear about your goal with the company

44. Always have an annual company goal and make sure you achieve it

45. If you don’t achieve your annual (growth) goal, it’s time to leave the company or talk to your boss about it. Either way, make sure you do what it takes to grow.

46. ​​Identify the trends that occur in the market

47. Look, Behave, Sound, Act, Dress like your Boss’s Boss.

48. Think outside the box

49. Keep delivering more value to the company and its employees, and make sure the key decision maker knows you about the work you’ve done.

50. You must be very clear about where you are and where you want to be, along with your timeline.

51. Evaluate your surroundings: is it the right place or not? If not, go away.

52. Start earlier, work harder, stay longer: there is no such thing as a balanced life.

53. Remember: everyone is fighting for the same piece of the pie.

54. Be ultra-smart while listening, analyzing and believing in people

55. Make sure you get noticed on social media and the blogosphere

56. You must be cold-blooded: there are no friends in the business world, only people who benefit you and who benefit from you.

57. Make sure corporate and company values ​​match yours at all times

58. Be absolutely amazing at giving presentations.

59. Learn to adopt and adapt to change

60. Learn to predict changes and events in advance

61. Offer to hold workshops for the growth of the company

62. If you know your boss isn’t as smart and smart as you are, be sure to correct or guide him when the two of you are alone. Let him have your ideas and make him addicted to you. Don’t stay with this person too long though, unless of course he owns it.

63. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you feel something is wrong. And when you’re proven right, you’ll be the first they turn to.

64. Point out problems and be the first to give a foolproof suggestion.

65. People who are drama characters are NEVER promoted

66. Being intelligently assertive is a hallmark of a great leader and yes one who is promoted

67. If I have asked you twice and you do not pay attention to what you must do as part of your job, I will not see you as valuable or intelligent.

68. Have a personality that is not only likable but makes people look up to you.

69. To get a promotion, you must be worth it

70. Trust is one thing; arrogance is another. Know the difference.

71. Remember: every day is a new day. So what you did yesterday may not matter today.

72. Never miss a single opportunity to network or celebrate or get noticed by management.

73. Show that you are dynamic, alert, active, strong, sharp, intelligent, powerful, charismatic, skilled conversationalist, and amazing in everything you do.

74. Make sure your workstation speaks volumes about you, especially when you’re not around.

75. Always take notes and have a binder/technology to keep track of what your boss or subordinate talks to you about

76. Have a unique signature style that will always make you stand out

77. Have a fresh look no matter what time of day. If you have to go shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, or change your clothes twice a day, do it! Appearances matter!

78. Consistency, authenticity, predictability and an impressive track record are very important when management decides to promote someone.

79. Make sure your social media platform is an extension of your brand personality

80. Be very clear about what your Personal & Professional brand communicates and that everyone is clear about it

81. Discuss intelligent topics with which they will determine your future

82. Be someone your owner calls first when there is something important

83. Make sure there are multiple skills that you have developed over the years that will make you indispensable to the organization