Canker sores: treat and prevent them with home remedies

thrush [Aphthous Stomatitis] affect the inner lining of the mouth [and tongue in some cases] and they can be very painful especially when eating and talking, they can occur at any time and at any age, they are not contagious and they are the most common of any oral disorder. These sores can come back at any time after the first infection has healed. [the body does not find an effective antibody to use against them]

The appearance of the sore is typically an oval or round whitish ulcer, never larger than a centimeter and has a slightly raised reddish ridge around it. At any given time it is believed that at least twenty percent of the population has this condition. These sores tend to primarily infect adolescents and women, but can infect almost anyone regardless of age and gender. It is also believed that people with a history of these ulcers can pass them on to their children. [hereditary] who will then be more susceptible to this oral infection but will not necessarily contract it.

Although it is not a serious health condition, some type of treatment will be needed to help relieve the pain and discomfort. Canker sores are not caused by any virus or bacterial infection but by small injuries or trauma that occur in the mouth. [biting the side of the cheek etc]Stress or anxiety, acidic foods, nutritional deficiencies, and underlying health problems are also said to cause this problem. Do not confuse them with cold sores. [appear on the outside of the mouth]these are infectious and caused by the herpes virus and a patient with these will need some medication prescribed by their doctor.

Home remedies to help with healing and lessen pain.

* aloe juice – has wonderful healing and soothing powers [tastes awful]rinse your mouth at least 3 times a day with this juice

* alum – relieves pain and helps with healing, apply 2 times a day to sores

* baking powder – reduces the amount of bacteria in the mouth, apply to sores several times a day

* baking soda: use as a mouthwash by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of warm water, soothes and refreshes the mouth

* salt: mix 2 tablespoons with half a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth at least 4 times a day with this solution

* grapefruit seed extract – excellent disinfectant, add 5 drops to a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this solution 2 times a day – morning and night

* hydrogen peroxide: use as a mouthwash by mixing 1/3 peroxide with 2/3 water [making up 1/2 glass]rinse your mouth with this solution 2 times a day

* onion – apply some raw onion on the sores, it can burn a little but it is an excellent remedy to heal

* prune and papaya juice: they have excellent healing properties, take them at least 2 times a day [swirling the juice in the mouth a few times first]

* tea tree oil – apply directly to the sores with a cotton ball, it helps pain and promotes healing


As with all illnesses, a well-balanced diet should be followed. This is to help the immune system function to the best of its ability.

Danger signs in these sores

unusually large sores
Recurring before the first onset has healed
Persistent and lasts more than 3 weeks no matter what treatment you have tried
It extends from the mouth to the lips.
A lot of pain, and the pain cannot be relieved by any over-the-counter medications or home remedies
The sores are accompanied by a high fever.
It’s getting harder to eat or drink

If any of the above symptoms are experienced, it would be advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible to see if there is a serious underlying health problem.