Cat Stop – How to stop your pet from fighting with others!

If you are looking for several useful ways to prevent your cat from fighting, then I can easily help you through this article. I know that it is quite annoying and disturbing when your cat fights a lot, especially when you come home from a tiring day and see that your cat is fighting with other cats. I also had a dozen cats in my house and they used to fight a lot, but I made a special plan that helped me a lot to keep my pets from fighting. Here are some tips that can easily help you get rid of this problem.

Proper spacing:

If your cats fight, you must separate them at all costs. The first step you have to take is to give them food at different times and in different bowls. Whenever they are close try to separate them because your main priority is to splash or spray them with water so that they consider that the fight is associated with pain or irritation. You can also provide your kittens with baskets and separate houses where they can live and sleep without hesitation.

Give your cat a treat while he fights:

You must treat your cat in such a way that it obeys your commands and instructions. Whenever you feel like your pets are getting along, try giving them a good treat so they can get used to staying together to get more treats from you.

Finally, if you’re also trying to find better solutions regarding your cat’s behavior, search the Internet for problems. I bet you can easily find some good websites that deal with different pet topics. You can also find helpful content and instructions on my website on how you can teach your cat to stop fighting; all you have to do is follow the links I mentioned below.