Do home remedies for dental pain work?

You have a toothache or have a nerve that has been exposed due to a missing filling. The pain can be excruciating and you need relief right now. Is there anything you can do at home with what you have to take the bread with you?

Natural pain relief has been around for centuries. The boom and abundance of pain relievers had temporarily turned dental patients suffering from pain away from natural home remedies. A new trend has emerged in recent years where the pendulum is swinging back to home, natural, home remedies for pain relief.

Do these home remedies for pain work?

The answer is a mixed yes and no. Some remedies do not work while others are effective in reducing pain. The following remedies are effective in temporarily reducing dental pain.

If you have dental pain, it is best to get treatment and care from a dental professional. Only a dentist can diagnose the cause and origin of your dental pain, thus eliminating it forever.

When temporary pain relief is needed as soon as possible, the following home remedies are your best bet to fight the pain until you get to the dentist.

Clove oil

The nails have a natural anesthetic chemical built into them. Put a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball, gently crush and place a whole clove on the tooth or sprinkle powdered clove on the tooth. Nail anesthetic is very powerful and can make pain worse if not applied carefully.

Ginger and cayenne paste

Mix ginger and cayenne with a little water to make a paste that you rub on the tooth. These two spices have long been used as effective pain relievers. Be sure to avoid contact with the gums and tongue as it will cause irritation.


The simplest remedy for dental pain remains one of the most effective and recommended by dentists. Swirling salt water around in your mouth will wash away germs and plaque and the salt will provide a natural aseptic.

Mint tea

Peppermint has a property that opens blood vessels which in turn reduces inflammation and pain. Peppermint tea not only helps relieve toothache, but it can also reduce headaches.

Hydrogen peroxide

You most likely have this sitting somewhere in your house. Hydrogen peroxide works very well to kill germs and decrease pain and inflammation. Hydrogen peroxide is strong and can cause discomfort and possible irritation if not diluted with water.


In general, ice is a big “no-no” in the dental world due to its tendency to chip and break teeth. Placing an ice pack or ice cube directly on the tooth or on the outside of the mouth where the tooth is located is an easy and natural way to numb the nerves and relieve toothache.

Brush with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth

In addition to trying a home remedy, the way you brush your teeth can make a difference in the intensity of the pain. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush (preferably the softest you can find) and a specialized toothpaste, such as one for sensitive teeth, will provide the most gentle cleaning and strengthening of your teeth.

These home remedies can be effective in relieving dental pain temporarily. However, only a dentist who can diagnose the cause of the pain can best treat the pain and eliminate it.