Have a bull terrier as a pet in your home

Trying to decide which breed of dog would make a great family pet can be confusing, but fun at the same time. If you are a family that loves to be active and is very attentive to animals, a Bull Terrier would be an ideal choice. The American Temperament Testing Society is a nonprofit foundation that conducts temperament tests on dogs, and they give a Bull Terrier a rating of over 90%, compared to the 81.5% average for other dog breeds.

Bull Terriers are a friendly and outgoing breed of dog; they have a childlike nature and make a very playful family pet. A Terrier’s physical appearance is only matched by his intelligence, so both his mind and body need to be stimulated. Dogs are generally very calm and non-aggressive, showing a lot of love and affection towards their favorite people.

The physical appearance of a Bull Terrier is very characteristic of the breed; the dog has distinctive features including an egg-shaped head. The dog has unusual triangular-shaped eyes that are close together and dark in color. A Terrier’s body is full and rounded, the shoulders are muscular, and the tail is carried horizontally. The dog is known as the “gladiator” of the canine world because of the way he walks with a cheerful gait.

The breed is very good with children of all ages and has a high threshold for pain, which means they are less aggressive if a child accidentally plays rough with them. However, a younger dog may see children as playmates and, due to his strength, could accidentally injure them. The dog should not be left alone with young children, but on the contrary, they are extremely protective of the children in their family.

It is worth remembering that a Terrier may not be an ideal pet for a first time pet owner as they are high energy dogs. The breed requires a lot of exercise and stimulation to burn off excess energy. Not giving your dog enough attention can lead to boredom, which can lead to destructive behavior and frustration. It helps give the Terrier quality time with each member of the family and allows the dog to participate in daily activities.

If you and your family decide to adopt or purchase a Bull Terrier, you may be pleasantly surprised by the dogs endearing personality. A Bull Terrier will live and play well with other dogs, and will be a great addition to a family with its calm and laid-back nature. The dog is very playful even after it has outgrown the typical “puppy stage.” While a Bull Terrier may not be an ideal choice for those who want to engage the dog in serious training, the dog will be appreciated by those who enjoy his unique personality. With a Bull Terrier in the family, there is never a dull moment guaranteed.