How to find your true innermost desire


If you’ve been in personal development for just five minutes, then you’ve heard of them. Even if you’ve never cracked a book like The master key system I’m pretty sure you’ve set yourself some goals over the years.

I receive emails from people all over the world. I recently received the following email from a colleague who needed help figuring out what Really wants. Believe me, this is not just a great question, but it could be one of the most important ones because if you pursue goals that you don’t really want, like living someone else’s dreams, then you will find yourself in the throes of discontent. . You do not want that.

So I took my time to craft an answer for him.

First, this is what he wrote to me.

Dear antonio,

I’ve been thinking about this question: What do I really want? Should it be one thing or many things? I had been trading my desire for feeling like this is not what I really want. How do I find my true innermost desire?

Here is my answer in full.

Your question is one of the main reasons I’ve noticed that people don’t succeed despite their talent, ingenuity, and drive. Without knowing where you want to go, you will most likely end up somewhere you don’t want to be. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what you want; because once you do that, then and only then can you form a plan to achieve it.

Now, should your goal be just one thing?


And no.

You can have different goals or “levels” of goals. Business and lifestyle goals tend to be the big goals. They are goals that impact your whole life. If you decide you want to become a doctor, then that’s a great goal because every aspect of your life is going to be influenced by that decision…

… you will have to dedicate time to school…

…you will have to work to earn money to go to school…

…your friends will become fellow students…

…your role models will become your teachers and doctors…

…and your future will have a definite path.

You also have a level of goals that are “secondary” goals. You may want a new car. Well, your big goal will help you get the car (or cars) you want. The same for your house and your possessions.

Along with those goals, we also have goals for our relationships, our spiritual life, our hobbies. All!

Do you want a new shirt? That is a goal.

A new computer? Another goal.

You get the idea.

The big goal is the most important goal. It is the one in which you are called to strive. It should be one that motivates you and practically compels you to take action: lots and lots of persistent action and hard work. That’s why we recommend that you choose a goal that is not only financially rewarding, but also enjoyable.

(keep in mind: Just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean you’ll make a lot of money doing it. That’s where you can choose between full enjoyment (emotional reward) and financial compensation (financial reward). Think of it this way: we all want to be rock stars and movie stars; many people really start to make that dream come true; but very few really achieve that goal and those who stick to it, even if they don’t “make it”, are the ones who really love art).

So how can your find your “innermost desire”?

Easy. Use the methods of Charles F. Haanel.

In The Skeleton Key Workbook, you will find all the methods and exercises you need to help you define your goals and vision for yourself. And of course it’s completely based on the work of Charles F. Haanel. The master key system. You can find it right here, easy-peasy…

This is a good place to start: describe what your perfect day looks like.

It sounds easy right?

It really isn’t. Because what that means is the kind of day you want to live day after day.

This is what usually happens. First, you’ll imagine yourself on a beach with a drink in hand and your toes in the sand. All of that is fine and elegant. Your task is to go further because, while that sounds good and all, you will most likely get bored by the end of the first week of living like this.

So you really have to think about what you value in your life. You have to think about things like…

…do you prefer consistency (a stable job, say) or are you open to change (being your own boss)…

… Are you an introvert or an extrovert…

… how important the people around you are…

…Where do you see yourself…

…and a host of other considerations.

You have to really put yourself in a state of mind where you can visualize a truly perfect day.

And that will take some time.

And it will change. Much.

And that’s fine.

Because each change will bring you closer to that ideal and along the way you will see common threads that run through all your visions. Those threads will be the basis on which you will form your plans.

Once you have some plans, then the world is your oyster.

So get out there.

dream big

Work hard.

Do it real.

You can do it!