How to Repair Scratches in Hardwood Flooring

Scratches in Hardwood Flooring

If your hard wood floor has a scratch or gouge, you can easily restore it. The scratch should be less than half an inch in diameter, and you can use a piece of scrap wood to practice the procedure on. Once you’ve mastered the scratch repair technique, you can use a stain or a color-matching stain marker to fill in the scratch. Once the stain has dried, you can apply a blending pencil or brown crayon to fill in the scratch.

Hardwood Flooring Barrie

Scratches that occur on wood are often small and may be caused by general wear. Often, these are the result of pets, but there are solutions. The first step is to identify the type of finish that is present on the floor. If the scratch is small and superficial, you can try rubbing floor polish or wax on it. Deep scratches, however, should be treated with a wood stain.

To repair deeper scratches, apply a mixture of olive oil and baking soda to the affected area. It is best to mix the ingredients together and use a soft sponge to gently rub the surface. You can also use a putty knife or a plastic putty stick to cover the scratch. If you do not have a putty knife, use a cotton cloth to buff the wood after the scratch has been repaired.

How to Repair Scratches in Hardwood Flooring

Scratches in wood can be fixed easily. Using a combination of olive oil and baking soda can help reduce the appearance of the scratch. After vacuuming the floor, you should use the solution and wait for about five minutes. Then, you should buff it with a soft sponge to remove the excess material. If the damage is too severe, you can apply a layer of wood stain.

To repair deeper scratches, use a cleaning solution that doesn’t contain any coatings or chemicals. If the scratch is too deep, you may need to apply a coating of wax. But this will not fix the deep scratches, which run across the grain of the wood. A wood stain will hide the deepest scratches, and this is a good option if you don’t have a lot of money to spend.

If the scratch is shallow, you can try a touch up kit. You can buy a touchup kit to repair surface scratches. However, deep scratches will not disappear completely and will run against the grain of the wood. A touch up kit will hide the damage and can help you restore the look of your floor. If you aren’t sure how to repair a scratch, you can use a paste wax on the surface. Make sure you wipe the excess wax with a clean cloth.