HR Employee Risk Profile – Management Risks Explanation

HR employee risk profile

Is your business at risk? Do you want peace of mind?

Answer the following question honestly by drawing a circle around or shading the column. If you can only answer a part of the question in the affirmative, then you should select ‘No’, for example in Q1 if you have employment contracts for your employees and not for your management team, then select ‘No’.

1. I have up-to-date employment contracts for all employees and management Yes No

2. Induced all employees into the workplace through a documented process Yes No

3. I have implemented fully documented HR policies and procedures Yes No

4. These policies and procedures are available to all employees and are regularly referenced, used and maintained Yes No

5. I carry out a semi-annual performance management process with all employees Yes No

6. I have documented workplace complaints, discrimination, intimidation and sexual harassment policies. If not

7. I have a written termination procedure and policy in place Yes No

8. My employees have been trained and understand that we do not accept discrimination, workplace harassment and sexual harassment. If not

9. Minor problems in the workplace are not taking up much of my time Yes No

10. We have low employee turnover compared to our industry average Yes No

11. I provide my employees with regular constructive feedback and reward them when appropriate Yes No


11 of 11 well done

10 of 11 well done, almost there

9 of 11 very well and tie up loose ends

8 of 11 good and you must tighten these loose ends

7 out of 10 have a high risk profile, take action

6 or fewer than 11 urgently needed corrective actions to ‘protect’ your business

Your peace of mind depends on you, your choice is my choice.
