Should I attend the No Excuses Summit?

What is the No Excuses Summit?

The No Excuses Summit is an Internet marketing event that takes place in Las Vegas and is organized by two marketing experts named Raymond Fong and Fernando Ceballos (also known as Ferny). It is a two-day event taught by MLM and Internet marketers.

Who should wait?

The following attended this event:

– Network marketers trying to improve their internet marketing skills.

– Internet marketers who want to learn new strategies.

– Professional networkers looking to make connections

As a previous attendee I was very happy with what I got for my money, I wrote more detailed reviews on my blog, but simply put, they had the best of the best in speakers, trainers, and marketers. Sometimes you go to events and all you find is people promoting their products, this was NOT the case at the No Excuses event.

Where’s the meat?

This is what I really learned at the No Excuses Summit. I learned some great copywriting and pay-per-click strategies from David Schwind and Jim Yaghi, had a couple of meetings with some of the top marketers, and met several of the marketers I had seen online. I can say that it was at this event, which turned out to be the first internet marketing event I attended, that my marketing took off. I was already the number one earner in my network marketing company, but this pushed me to the next level.

Since I attended the No Excuses Summit

Since I attended I have:

– Won a BMW 7 series 2011

– I won an iPad and a 5 day trip to Mexico from my leader in pro systems

– I won three trips from my main company, Numis Network

I have also become close friends with many of the speakers and attendees at the event. Many of them have joined my team and I work closely with them, THAT is the most important thing the event got me, is how to connect online and link offline!