Simple ideas to lose weight naturally

Looking for some easy methods to shed some weight? Then look no further! Here are four delicious ways to eat more food, but lose weight at the same time. There’s nothing better than this!

Eat Almonds: A City of Hope National Medical Center trial had patients consume seventy almonds per day and follow a low-calorie diet plan for six months that led to an eighteen percent decrease in their body weight. The reason why? Simply because almonds are nutritionally dense and so is fat, protein
and fiber helps you feel a little more satisfied.

Chew those extra pounds: Research has revealed that chewing sugar-free gum for a total of one hour each morning led to an average of sixty-seven fewer calories during the day, in addition to consuming about 5% more energy in compared to when they didn’t chew gum. That might not sound like much, however, along with a proper diet plan and exercise, chewing gum could speed up the results you seek.

Serve a bowl of cereal for lunch – Considering those snack machines for lunch or dinner? Try a bowl of cereal as an alternative! Research from Purdue University indicates that these cereal eaters ingested an average of sixty-seven fewer calories per day and lost approximately four pounds over a 2-week period. That doesn’t mean you should gorge on sugary cereals every lunch or dinner, but rather choose higher fiber unrefined cereals like All-Bran or even Kashi along with skim or low-fat milk.

Consume soups to lose weight: Reduced-calorie soups eaten at the beginning of meals have been shown to decrease the amount of food and the calories eaten at that meal (soup and entrée), a Penn State analysis confirmed. Select a broth-based soup rather than cream-based and keep the serving near the 150 calorie mark.