Weight training diet for skinny men to gain muscle mass fast

If you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain muscle mass fast, this weight training diet is the key you need to start growing fast. I am going to give you the best food that you need to include in your weight training diet.

Your weight training diet can be divided into 3 food categories: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. You need to take the right amount of each of these to build muscle mass. Especially if you are a skinny guy, you need to pay extra attention to your diet if you want to grow taller.

The best carbohydrates to include in your diet

  • potatoes
  • Fruit
  • Beans
  • Integral rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole Grain Breads

The best protein sources to include in your diet

  • chicken and turkey
  • Steak and ground beef
  • eggs
  • Seafood fish
  • Cottage cheese
  • whey protein

The best sources of fat to include in your diet

  • flax seed oil
  • olive oil
  • Lawyers
  • walnuts
  • Fish like salmon and tuna
  • Fish oil

So how much of these foods should you eat to start building muscle mass? Well, I recommend my personal training clients break it down to 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat. This is the best ratio to gain muscle weight fast, especially if you are a skinny guy.

Your weight training diet must also include the correct number of calories for your body weight. If you have a hard time gaining muscle mass and have trouble gaining muscle mass, I recommend consuming 20 times your body weight in calories per day. So take your body weight x 20 and that’s the number of calories you should include in your diet on a daily basis. It’s pretty simple.