What are the different types of divorce?

I am a divorce attorney in Ontario and have been helping people get divorced and start a new life for over 30 years. I understand that people facing divorce are not looking to become experts in the intricacies of Ontario family law, but I also know that they want to be prepared for what lies ahead.

This article will help you identify what type of divorce you are involved in and will explain the most important things to know about divorce before moving forward.

Let’s start with the different types of divorce.

The first is called “Simple Divorce (Uncontested)”. A simple divorce means that you and your spouse have agreed on all the details of your separation. A simple divorce is a fairly straightforward procedure for couples who do not have child custody issues, property issues, or financial support issues.

However, if you have children, share a home together, plan to pay or collect spousal support, then you will have what is called a “contested divorce.” Most divorces fall into the Contested category.

When the decision to get divorced is made, the natural course of action is to find an experienced divorce attorney to help you through the process, but cost can be a major issue for many working-class people.

Hiring an experienced Ontario family law attorney starts at an average of $5,000. If your case turns into a fierce battle between you and your spouse, the average divorce cost can skyrocket to $50,000, if not more.

That kind of spending is simply not an option for many people. Does that mean he should be forced to remain “stuck” in a miserable or unhealthy relationship? No. But sadly, all too often, that is the case.

Divorce begins like any major decision in life: figuring out your options, then deciding which one is best for you. The help you will really need will depend on the complexity of your legal problem. My Ontario Divorce offers you an online platform to help you create your Ontario divorce forms yourself.

On the other hand, your spouse may have hired a divorce attorney and you’ve decided you should do the same. If this is the case, do your research and make sure you choose a divorce attorney who has experience and a proven track record in family law. If you think you have a complex legal matter and need legal advice, you should seek it out.