How To End a Business Email Properly

End a Business Email Properly

A bad email closing line or sign-off can ruin all the hard work you’ve put into your correspondence. In some cases, it could even cost you an interview or a job offer. It’s important to consider the tone and audience of your email when choosing a closing line. It’s appropriate to use formal language when writing emails with colleagues or managers, and to use a more casual tone for emails with coworkers or friends.

A simple and friendly closing line can help you stay professional while still connecting with your reader in a warm and courteous way. It can also help you build and maintain relationships with your recipients, which may lead to more communication, collaboration, or business opportunities in the future.

The way you how to end an email should match the tone and context of the message you’re sending. For example, “Kind regards” is a great option for most email situations because it’s warm and polite without sounding too casual or informal. However, it’s important to avoid using overly familiar or casual language in professional emails, as this can come across as rude or disrespectful.

How To End a Business Email Properly

For emails with a more formal tone, you might want to try something more neutral and reserved such as “Best wishes,” or “Thank you.” These closing lines are less personal but still convey a sense of professionalism and respect. They can also be used in follow-up emails to thank someone for their time or assistance.

Jumping from your main subject to your sign-off can be jarring for your reader, especially if your email is longer than usual. Adding a closing line that expresses gratitude or well-wishing can ease the transition for your reader and make them feel cared for. It also helps your email stand out in the inbox, making it more likely to be read and responded to.

In addition to showing your appreciation and wishing your recipient the best, an email closure can serve as a call to action or reminder for the next step. Including one of these in your email can increase the chances that your recipient will respond immediately or take action, as opposed to simply reading the email and forgetting about it.

When crafting your email conclusion, it’s essential to be consistent with your tone and formatting throughout the message. A mismatch between the tone of your email body and your closing can create confusion or convey insincerity. For example, ending a formal business email with an overly casual closing like “Take care” may undermine the professionalism of your message. Similarly, using a formal closing like “Sincerely” in a casual email to a friend may come across as overly formal or stiff.

Whether you’re looking for a professional and respectful email closing, or a casual and friendly one, we’ve got you covered with our extensive list of email closings and sign-offs. Just remember to keep in mind the tone and audience of your email when choosing your closing line, and you’ll be sure to nail it every time.