What is the Cause of Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine Addiction

Where does cocaine come from? The Andes mountain range in South America and the Andean lowlands in Colombia both hold more than just the verdant vegetation of nature. These vegetationary plants are actually the primary source of a massive cocaine production which takes place in Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. This cocaine is processed into a very highly processed product that is then turned into cocaine.

When cocaine is harvested in South America it comes directly out of the Andes range. The Andes mountains, which run from Argentina all the way down to Chile, are some of the most biologically diverse places on earth. There are hundreds of different types of wildlife, plant life, and geology in this region, making it ideal for the cultivation of coca plant life. This is what creates the perfect conditions for the production of cocaine, as rainforest trees produce much more caffeine per volume of plant matter than other parts of the world.

The most common way in which cocaine comes from is through the process of dehydration and boiling. Cocaine is made from three primary substances: ephedrine (which are a naturally occurring chemical in the leaves of the Andes), and two other chemicals which are obtained through the harvesting of the coca leaf. The two chemicals which are obtained are called ephedrine and carbampenine. It is possible to find pure forms of each of these substances in the wild, but getting them is not easy due to their highly concentrated and illegal nature. It is much easier to get them in a legal fashion if you have access to a laboratory.

What is the Cause of Cocaine Addiction?

To understand how this process of dehydration and boiling affect the production of cocaine, we need to look further into the nature of this drug. It is very much like many other drugs, which are in production and have similar effects on the body. The major difference between cocaine and most other drugs is that it does not cause physical dependency upon it, nor does it cause long-term mental health problems. In fact, most users do not even notice the drug has been used – it is simply used to make the user feel “high”.

So where does cocaine come from if it was not brought over by accident in the Peruvian rainforest? Well, the most likely scenario is that it came from Colombia’s Guarija Peninsula. This is the same area where the coca bushes are being grown. There are many theories put forward as to where the drug abuse in the US began, but the one with the highest degree of credibility is that the coca bushes were actually eradicated from the peninsula over thirty five years ago. This leaves a high number of empty homes on the peninsula, many of which have now been turned into drug rehab facilities.

So it is highly likely that the cocaine that killed off the Peruvian rainforest is from Colombia or Peru. Another possibility is that the coca bush was originally grown in the United States, especially in Florida and along the Gulf Coast. When the growers of the crop were forced to move inland, they left behind a large amount of cocaine. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen, but it is most likely that the question ‘where does cocaine come from’ can never be answered completely.